Season 3 Episode 2: Radical Healership with Laura Mae Northrup

Join Sascha Altman DuBrul and Jacks McNamara for a wide-ranging conversation with therapist and author Laura Mae Northrup on her new book Radical Healership. Topics we cover include:

-The path and calling of being a healer, and the complexities of using the term “healer”

-The nuances of boundaries inside healing work

-Desire and living our values

-The “shadow” why – trying to heal your own baggage through getting your clients to heal

-Class, grief, and building a financially sustainable practice

-Healing as threatening to the abusive power structure of capitalism

About Laura:

Laura Mae Northrup, MFT is the creator and host of the podcast Inside Eyes, a series that explores the use of entheogens and psychedelics to heal sexual trauma. She is the author of the book Radical Healership and is a practicing psychotherapist and educator in Oakland, CA. Her work focuses on defining sexual violence through a spiritual and politicized lens and supporting the spiritual integrity of our collective humanity. You can learn more about her at

Find Laura online:

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Jacks McNamara’s website and social media:

Sascha Altman DuBrul: